Aftercare Instructions: It is very important that you follow these after care instructions. Do not use make-up for twenty-four hours after treatment. Be sure that you do not touch the treated area. The night after treatment use either witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, or another astringent on the treated area, especially after washing the treated area so that bacteria is not washed back into the follicles. Use no creams or lotions on the affected area. Do not rub or contaminate it in any way. Use only a freshly laundered wash-cloth and a sterile cotton ball. The morning after, use astringent once again. You may then go back to your regular skin care regimen.
Harsh products such as depilatories or products meant to bleach hair can cause damage to your skin after treatment.
Do not pluck! A contaminated tweezer can spread bacteria in a vulnerable area.
Do no expose the treated area to direct sunlight or tanning lights.
We do everything we can at this office to protect you and make sure that you have the best care. We want you to be as careful as we are!
Sterile Procedure: For your safety and protection Electrolysis Associates of Michigan Inc. follows the protocol recommended by The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta for Sterile Procedure. The sterilization process in this office is as follows:
All contaminated instruments are placed in a cavitator containing a solution of Liquinox.
Forceps are packaged in autoclave bags; multi-needles in clean petrie dishes.
Multi-needles and forceps are sterilized in a Pelton crane Steam Autoclave at 265 degrees Fahrenheit, for 20 minutes. In addition, the autoclave is spore checked for reliability on a regular basis.
Only sterile forceps are used to remove probes from sterile petrie dishes.
Hands are washed with Germicidal soap prior to using disposable gloves when work is being done as well as preparing autoclaving.
Autoclaving is consistently done by one person.
Single needles are pre-packaged, sterile and disposed of in a Sharps Container.
We hope that this information will allay any concerns that you may have about communicable disease that can be passed on by needles. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your Physician, or call The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta at (404) 639-3311, or have your Physician call us.